Fall Eye Allergies

Fall in the mountains is beautiful! Red, itchy eyes are a pain…

We probably don’t have to tell you that if you have red, itchy, burning eyes, you may have seasonal allergies. It’s a very common eye issue. With the arrival of fall, this is the time of year that certain allergies kick in. You may not think about calling Envison for your allergies, but we can help you find relief!

Ragweed is a big contributor for the fall allergies. One of the ways to help reduce your allergies is avoiding the allergens. But how can you avoid pollen? You can wear glasses or sunglasses to help cut down on allergens entering your eyes, especially larger or wraparound styles that provide greater coverage. You can also switch to daily contact lenses. Daily contacts allow you to start with a fresh pair each day, rather than a pair that has collected allergens from previous wear. Envision can also supply you with preservative-free eye drops to help keep your eyes free and clear from allergens and cut down on irritation.

A Few Other Tips:

Avoid going outdoors when the pollen count is highest, typically around mid-morning and early evening. Weather alerts are available for this. Keep your windows closed in your home and vehicle to avoid allergens inside. Use a clean air conditioning system and avoid window fans. You can even purchase an air purifier to help cut down on allergens.

We know it’s hard, but do not rub your eyes when they itch! It just makes things worse. Rubbing releases more histamines from your cells while your body is already working to remove the foreign matter from your eyes, which results in even more irritation.

If you’re suffering from irritated eyes due to allergies, don’t delay! Schedule an appointment with us to find relief!